Having Katherine pay us a visit was probably the best money I’ve ever spent in my life; I say that with no exaggeration. I first contacted Katherine about two years ago when my son was three. Back then my main problem was that he wouldn’t do as he was told, and it made getting through the day a constant battle. However, I didn’t go ahead mostly due to concerns of cost. By the time I contacted her again when he was five, the issues had gotten much worse. My son ruled the roost, and we were not consistent enough with setting boundaries. Getting through the day was done through negotiation, bribes, threats and general fire fighting.
His eating was poor, he refused to go to bed, and we were struggling to limit screen time. Getting him to follow instructions was next to impossible, he wouldn’t do things for himself, and he was rude and pushy. By now we had a second son who was as good as gold, but my fear was that he would begin to copy his older brother’s ways.
As soon as Katherine walked in, she was a breath of fresh air, she has a very calm aura about her and a positive energy. We had been worried about having a stranger stay at our house, but she was very unobtrusive in the day to day of our home. With calm, quiet direction mostly via text message Kate instructed me on how to handle our son by maintaining a cool head. She explained that my son was a control-grabbing child and our problems of eating and sleep were symptomatic of this control issue.
‘I completely trusted the process and it wasn’t long before it started working and we were soon seeing our son’s lovely qualities coming back.’
Things got worse before they got better as my son reacted strongly to not having control anymore, but I completely trusted the process and it wasn’t long before it started working and we were soon seeing our son’s lovely qualities coming back. With Katherine there’s no fluffy techniques, nothing like reward charts, naughty steps or gifts from fairies, it’s just straight forward parenting and doing what you’re told!
We had worked with sleep trainers before, but fix had never stuck, because unlike Katherine, they hadn’t delved into the root cause of the problem. Importantly it’s not Katherine who makes the changes, she is guiding you to do it, she interacted very little with my son herself. I say this because I was worried before booking that as soon as our ‘super nanny’ left he would return to his old ways. But this wasn’t the case, I simply told him Katherine was a friend who had come to stay.
Getting rid of my son’s screen time made him more engaged and social, getting rid of snacks meant he was eating beautifully and little by little our biggest problem which was bedtime began to improve too. I no longer dreaded taking him out anywhere and our relationship is so much better and his confidence has blossomed too.